Lacey J. from PA

if you haven’t figured it out by now, my name is Lacey J.

i’ve wanted to blog for quite awhile, but always find myself stuck on “what the hell do i write about?”

these days, there are blogs dedicated to just about every topic imaginable but i wanted my blog to stand out, to be more than just about food, or about makeup (although i do love food & find myself to be quite the expert when it comes to cosmetics) i want my blog to be deeper than that.

for the past few months I’ve struggled severely with my mental health. i have found myself paralyzed by my depression, unable to get out of bed most days…well, to be honest, i cant remember the last time i slept in my bed. i typically cant make it past my couch. i sleep all day, can barely function, the only thing i can manage to do is show up to work. cooking feels like a chore, even eating seems to be taxing, and when it comes to the simple task of taking a shower, i feel like i’ve just ran a marathon & desperately need a nap, (even after sleeping 12-16 hours.)

I’ve struggled with depression most of my life, i cant remember a time where it wasn’t something that plagued me & kept me from being my best self.  i wanted 2018 to be my best year yet, but somehow it has become me worst. what i thought was just my weird depression lurking around the corner again, suddenly felt like this big monster i no longer could battle through anymore.

the worst part of mental health issues is feeling alone, even if you have friends or even just one really good friend, you never quite feel like you can talk to them about it. you feel like you cant possibly explain what you’re going through without being judged.

the biggest issue with mental health issues really is the loneliness it brings, so my hope is that with this blog i can document my struggles & maybe give others also struggling some comfort knowing they’re not alone.

*my friends can tell you first hand, i tend to sway off topic a lot so i expect this blog to be no different. there will be times i make posts that may not have anything at all to do with my mental health struggles, i may talk about my tattoos, or my makeup addiction….just stick with me 😉

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